Information About Location Referring Providers 702-664-2572

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Treatment
Serving Henderson & Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas Peripheral Artery Disease PAD Treatment
Vascular Institute of Henderson

Vascular Institute of Henderson
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Treatment
Serving Henderson & Las Vegas, NV

the diagnosis and treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease.

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Peripheral Artery Disease

What is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)?

PAD is a blockage and narrowing of the blood vessels in your limbs, most commonly causing decreased blood flow in your legs. PAD often occurs as a result of other diseases and conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. There is a strong correlation between PAD and the development of more serious heart diseases. At Vascular Institute of Henderson, the early diagnosis and treatment of PAD - through medication or minimally-invasive procedures - can increase your quality of life and significantly reduce the chances of developing serious heart disease, limb amputation or death.

Why Vascular Institute of Henderson for PAD Treatment?

Vascular Institute of Henderson (VIH) specializes in minimally invasive lower extremity endovascular procedures to treat arterial and venous disease. Our Henderson facility is spacious, modern and state of the art. We provide our doctors with the latest technology and most current equipment to deliver the best possible care to our patients in an outpatient, caring and low stress environment. Every patient is treated like family at VIH, from their first consultation to their final procedure.

Why Vascular Institute of Henderson?
Minimally Invasive Vascular Procedures

Our physicians are recognized as specialists in the field of lower extremity revascularization and limb salvage for patients with peripheral vascular disease resulting from diabetes, history of smoking, hypertension and a variety of other conditions that lead to lower extremity vascular patholology. Minimally invasive endovascular procedures have become the gold standard for managing patients with these conditions and generally result in the avoidance of open procedures that typically result in more potential complications for the patient, have questionable long term patency and result in irreversible changes to the lower extremity vasculature. Our procedures are significantly less risky, are outpatient and thus do not require hospitalization. Everything is done at our outpatient office based center. In addition, our procedures can be repeated years down the line as needed to essentially "restart the clock" on the patient's vascular disease whereas traditional open vascular surgery procedures become much more invasive and complicated and often prone to failure. We do not believe in waiting until an individual has irreversible tissue loss to intervene, although many times patients come to us in this state already. As a result, we view our services as "peripheral stroke prevention" and this has been widely accepted in the community, both with providers and patients alike.

State-Of-The-Art Facility

State-Of-The-Art Facility

Minimally Invasive Procedures

The physicians at Vascular Institute of Henderson are dedicated to preventing amputations and other life threatening episodes. Catheter-based techniques to create a healthier opening in your blood vessel and increase blood flow to vital tissues are typically performed through these minimally invasive procedures:
  • Endovascular Therapy
    We use minimally invasive, specialized equipment and techniques that require only a small incision, through which a thin catheter is inserted. Using advanced imaging technology, the catheter is guided through a blood vessel to remove blockages and open narrowed areas.

  • Balloon Angioplasty
    A specialized balloon is inserted over the catheter and inflated at the area of blockage or narrowing to widen the artery and increase blood flow.

  • Atherectomy
    A specialized device is used to clean the plaque in the artery similar to unclogging a drain. What sets Vascular Institute of Henderson apart? We do not sacrifice quality for cost and therefore use the most expensive atherectomy devices that significantly reduce the potential for damage to the artery wall by vibrating the plaques rather than shaving or cutting to eliminate them.

  • Laser Atherectomy
    Depending on the type of blockage, in certain situations a laser can be used to remove the plaque from the vessels.

  • Stent Placement
    In the event that an artery requires additional internal support to maintain the newly restored blood flow, we spare no expense when it is necessary to place stents to achieve a superior outcome. This concept is similar to what is done in the heart to treat a heart attack.

Saving Limbs. Saving Lives.

Providing minimally invasive endovascular procedures in a safe, convenient environment.

VIH is an outpatient clinic providing minimally invasive endovascular procedures in a safe, convenient and comfortable environment.

Our consultative care and concierge service approach is designed to accommodate you, and present the treatment options uniquely available to you - based on your individual needs. These treatment options can be administered or prescribed (based on the severity of your PAD) on site, and allowing you to return and recover at home on the same day.

Our patient promise is to deliver the highest level of care, and provide the most innovative vascular procedures.

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Our Location

375 N. Stephanie Street, Suite 1011
Henderson, Nevada 89014
Office: 702-664-2572 | Fax: 844-323-0963